Business and Family-based Immigration Law with over 35 years of experience

I have over 35 years of experience practicing Immigration Law, and I have personally helped hundreds of clients stabilize their immigration status. My goal is to help you resolve immediate complex issues, develop strategies and long-term planning, and represent you from start to finish in receiving the appropriate immigration benefits. I can work with you regardless of your location or the location of your business.  Our sophisticated clientele includes both individuals and corporations, many of whom are located outside of the United States.

Contact me to set up a consultation.




Reasons to Apply for US Citizenship and How President Trump’s Executive Order on Immigration Can Affect Some Legal Permanent Residents.

If you have been a Permanent resident for at least 5 years, or you are married to a US Citizens and have been a Permanent resident for at least 3 years, and have maintained “continuous residence in the US, then most likely you will be eligible to apply for US Citizenship.
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Immigration Options for Citizens of the Philippines, Green Card and Non-Immigrant Visa Options Without Long Waits Exist.

Family based petitions for nationals of the Philippines have been backed up for years.  Immediate Relative Petitions are “current”, meaning no backlog, but what are your options if you do not qualify as an Immediate Relative?
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Same-Sex Marriage, It Is Not All Equal.  The Value of Prenuptial Agreements and Adoption.

Did you know that many states still ban Marriage Equality?  See how this can effect you and your same sex spouse beyond Immigration Issues.
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The Supreme Court has struck down the Defense of Marriage Act, the 1996 law blocking federal recognition of same-sex marriages.

The decision was 5-4, written by Justice Anthony Kennedy.

“DOMA instructs all federal officials, and indeed all persons with whom same-sex couples interact, including their own children, that their marriage is less worthy than the marriages of others,” the ruling said. “The federal statute is invalid, for no legitimate purpose overcomes the purpose and effect to disparage and to injure those whom the State, by its marriage laws, sought to protect in personhood and dignity.”

We can now help same sex married couples obtain Immigration Benefits.  Please contact Allison Spitz-Perry for information regarding this exciting ground-breaking news. 

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